Thursday, January 19, 2012

Which type of draft is better, auction, auto or snake?

I always wanted to try the Auction draft but the guys in my league keep bucking me on it and it is also hard to get everyone together in one setting. What should I do?Which type of draft is better, auction, auto or snake?
I have not done an auction draft but friends tell me that it is a lot of fun. ESPN had online auction drafts as an option for their leagues this year. You may wish to check that out next year.
Never use auto. It never seems to deliver equitable teams, even when everyone pre-ranks the players.

Auction leagues are very entertaining, but it requires a higher degree of commitment. If everyone is new to auction format, it's not bad, but if you have a veteran of the format, they can really take advantage of the room.

I am a traditionalist. A snake/serpentine draft is proven, and works well in both live and on-line environments. It seems to balance the talent pool, while still allowing players room to speculate and take risks.Which type of draft is better, auction, auto or snake?
I think snake is the most fair way to do it, and most realistic. I have never done auction but I do not really have an interest in it. Auto is not the best choice either, but is nice if you are doing a league that is a little more laid back, and you set your pre draft rankings right. I do not hate it like some people may, I actually sort of like the ability to draft without dedicating the time
Anything but auto... auto sucks, I would want to pick my own players. I prefer auction for baseball, but you gotta have everyone committed to do it.Which type of draft is better, auction, auto or snake?
The best, most fair setting to choose would be: Random/Snaking. This is the setting most people are comfortable with and have seen before. GL.

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